St. Nocholas of Curtea in Arges, Rumania. Source: Igloo

Anastasis – Journal About Research in Medieval Culture and Art

Anastasis. Research in Medieval Culture and Art is an international peer-reviewed journal edited by The Research Center of Medieval Art at the National University of Arts in Iași, România.

Anastasis cover of JournalAnastasis. Research in Medieval Culture and Art is an open access journal, which publish original articles in the areas of medieval art and medieval culture. The aim is to stir people’s interest for scientific research regarding the Middle Ages in order to qualify the modern preoccupation with medieval art.

In order to offer a more complex and nuanced set of ideas, the journal has an interdisciplinary character and publishes research about visual arts, restoration, architecture, music, theatre, theology, philosophy, literature, sciences etc.

Each issue contains research articles on varied topics, as well as sections on Medieval Art and Civilisation and Medieval Culture in Contemporary Research. Finally, there is a section with book reviews. Judging from the table of contents, the journal offers a fine and varied glimpse into a lively research center somewhat on the periphery of the mainstream (Anglo-American) milieu of medieval art research.

The first issue for 2018 has just been published. Call for papers for issue two ends 15.09.2018

Table of contents

Constantin Ciobanu
Les inscriptions simulées de la peinture médiévale roumaine dans le contexte de l’art et de la pensée orthodoxes / Simulated Inscriptions of Romanian Medieval Painting in the Context of Orthodox Art and Thinking
Article PDF

Florin Crîșmăreanu
Théologie de la beauté dans les écrits de Maxime le Confesseur / The Theology of Beauty in the Writings of Maximus the Confessor
Article PDF

Brînduşa Grigoriu
Yseut et Tristan comme parents : le Roman d’Ysaÿe le Triste / Yseut and Tristan as Parents : the Romance of Ysaÿe le Triste
Article PDF

Irina-Andreea Stoleriu
Adrian  Stoleriu
Representations of the Pope in Western Art
Article PDF

Bogdan Ungurean
Notes on the St. Theodore’s church iconostasis from Iași. Technique of execution, stylistically description and state of conservation
Article PDF

Oana Maria Nicuţă
Visual Litteracy and the Crux of the Visible: Is Stained Glass a Manifestation of the Diaphanous?
Article PDF

Cristina Gelan
Ideology, Symbolism and Representation through Byzantine Art
Article PDF

Angela Simalcsik
New Cases of Symbolic Trepanation from the Medieval Period Discovered in the Space between Prut and Dniester
Article PDF


Ioana Palamar 
Self-Portrait: Between Normality and Psychosis
Article PDF

Codrina-Laura Ioniţă
“Le Buisson Ardent de la Vierge”. Une lettre et une icône / The Burning Bush of Virgin Mary. A letter and an icon
Article PDF

Luana Stan 
Teodora-Sânziana Stan
Revalorisation des rituels ancestraux des amérindiens du Canada dans la musique de Murray Schaffer / Revalorization of Canadian Amerindian Rituals in Murray Schafer’s Music
Article PDF

Paula Onofrei
Medieval Symbols in “The Name of the Rose”, by Umberto Eco
Article PDF

Rosângela Aparecida da Conceição
Thomaz Scheuchl, the Trajectory of a Disciple of Beuron: from the Restoration of the Cathedral of the Ascension in Satu Mare to the Paintings of Churches in Brazil
Article PDF


The second St. Nicholas Church in Curtea de Arges was founded in 1352, during Prince Basarab’s time and was located next to the princely house from the 14th century. The church was built in the Greek cross plan and is among the most majestic monuments of the south-eastern Europe from this period. The narthex, which is domed,  is narrow, while the vaulting rests on four pillars over which rises the tower. St. Nicholas Church represents one of the most valuable monuments of Romanian architecture, built according to the classic model of Byzantine churches.

The building of the church was begun by Basarab I, in the mid of XIV century and was finished by his descendants, Nicholas Alexander and Vladislav I Vlaicu.

It has preserved the initial paintings from the 14th century and also parts of the frescoes from the 18th and 19th centuries, counting almost 130 well-preservedpaintings. The church’s exterior is impressive by the rows of stone masonry that combines with the rows of brick. Inside the church is preserved what until recently was believed to be the tomb of Radu I Basarab.


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