What was life like a 1000 years ago?
This year, Bamberg celebrates the 1000-year anniversay of the death of Heinrich II. A major exhibition serves as an introduction to the life and times of the German Emperor and national saint, his beloved wife Kunigunde…

Thietmar of Merseburg 975-1018
01/01/2025Thietmar of Merseburg was bishop of the diocese of Merseburg from 1009 to 1018. Famous for his Chronicle, he was one of the most important historians of the Ottonian period Read more

Heinrich II, German King and Holy Roman Emperor 1002 – 1024
02/12/2024Heinrich II (973 (978)-1024) – famous for his foundation of Bamberg – was the last Ottonian to rule Germany and the Holy Roman Empire. Read more

Kunigunde – Ottonian Queen 1002-1024
02/12/2024The 10th-century German queens set their mark on politics in different ways. The last queen, Kunigunde, primarily played the role of dynastic bridgebuilder. Read more

What was life like in Bamberg 1000 years ago?
01/12/2024What kind of daily life did Heinrich II and his beloved Queen Kunigunde experience at court? And how did this compare to the ordinary lives? In the city of Bamberg, in the countryside, and among their Slavic neighbours? Read more

The Royal Palace at Bamberg
29/11/2024After 1007 Bamberg castle was rebuilt as a modern cathedral and palace complex. Likely, it turned out to be an ideal prototype for other similar building projects at Paderborn, Goslar and elsewhere Read more

Carmen Bambergense
29/11/2024On Heinrich II’s birthday in 1012, the abbot at Seeon presented the German king with a panegyric, commonly known as the Carmen Bambergense. Read more

The Landscapes around Bamberg at the Time of Heinrich II
28/11/2024Bamberg lies at the centre of the former Bavarian Nordgau at the confluence of the Regnitz and the Main, surrounded by a forested and hilly landscape
Read more

How to Become a King at the Turn of the First Millenium
09/11/2024In 1002, Otto III died at Paterno near Civita in Italy. With no direct descendants, the succession was fraught with tensions. Duke Henry of Bavaria caught the upstream. Read more

The Royal Library at Bamberg
14/10/2024When the Holy Roman Emperor Henry II died 1000 years ago, on July 13, 1024, he left behind a rich legacy of books. Read more

New Books about the Imperial Clothes from c. 1020
24/04/2024Two new books explore in detail the precious and unique imperial garments preserved in Bamberg Cathedral’s treasury Read more
Notre-Dame Reopens in a Few Weeks
On the 15th of November, the faithful carried the Virgin of the Pillar back to Notre-Dame de Paris, which reopens in all its glory on the 7th of December…
Medieval Feast for the Celebration of Notre-Dame 1182
What might the Archbishop of Paris have served at the banquet following the solemn consecration of the Altar at Notre-Dame de Paris in 1182?…

Medieval Sculpture from Notre-Dame de Paris at Cluny
17/11/2024Two Exhibitions at the Medieval Museum of Cluny in Paris celebrate the reopening of Notre Dame de Paris. One features the medieval sculptural legacy Read more

Manuscripts from Notre-Dame de Paris.
17/11/2024Two Exhibitions at the Medieval Museum of Cluny in Paris celebrate the reopening of Notre Dame de Paris. One features the scriptural legacy. Read more

The Archaeological Excavations at Notre-Dame de Paris 2019-2024
19/10/2024Since the fire in 2019, archaeologists have been busy uncovering the history of the medieval Cathedral
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Medievalists and Heritage Specialists Caution Against Rushing to Rebuild Notre-Dame
30/04/2019The fire had not been extinguished, when President Macron announced his will to have Notre-Dame rebuilt inside five years. Medievalists are concerned. Read more

Notre-Dame de Paris
17/04/2019Last night an incendiary firestorm swept through the roof of the cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris. What is the history of this iconic building? And how do we move on? Read more

Notre Dame de Paris celebrates its 850 Anniversary
14/12/2012Notre-Dame de Paris celebrates its 850-year anniversary in 2013 Next year, the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris expects more than 20 million visitors, celebrating the anniversary of this beautiful church. The first stone was laid in the presence of the Pope, Alexander III, in 1163. It took about a hundred… Read more
When Medieval History Matters

The Remains of Marc Bloch to be moved to the Pantheon
26/11/2024French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Saturday, November 23, that scholar and Resistance fighter Marc Bloch, tortured and executed by the Gestapo in 1944, would be reinterred in the Panthéon – the Paris monument to France’s most outstanding citizens. Read more

Carolingian Church Policy Continue to Influence Modern European politics
16/11/2024Europe is crisscrossed by ancient boundaries of which one is constituted by different kinship systems. How did they come about? And do they still matter? Read more

The Nature of Medieval Women
15/09/2024Medieval women were considered weak, soft, sensual, and fickle if not frivolous. Even today, we hear an echo in the disparagement of Kamela Harris Read more
New Research

Medieval Birds of Prey Thrived on Human Waste
17/01/2025Birds of prey in medieval Britain relied far more heavily on scavenging human waste than previously thought, according to research that analyzed more than 30 ancient bird skeletons. Read more

Advent and Marian Devotion
03/12/2024Advent is a time for reflecting upon Mary, the Mother of God. One avenue is to contemplate the beauty of the Old English Advent Lyrics Read more

Comparing Christian Rulership in Poland and Norway
25/10/2024In the Early Middle Ages, kings were elected according to charisma, wealth and warrior capabilities. Late rulership became dependant on dynastic succession and the endorsement of the Christian church Read more

The Dark Ages: Nature’s Comeback in the Netherlands
09/10/2024In the period known as the Dark Ages (c. 300 – 700 AD), woodlands staged a remarkable comeback across Europe, including the Netherlands. Read more

A Glimpse into the Daily Life at the Court of Kunigunde and Heinrich II in Bamberg
01/12/2024Bamberg will host an important exhibition in the autumn 2024 focusing on the daily life at the imperial court of Henry II and Cunigunde Read more

Medieval Sculpture from Notre-Dame de Paris at Cluny
17/11/2024Two Exhibitions at the Medieval Museum of Cluny in Paris celebrate the reopening of Notre Dame de Paris. One features the medieval sculptural legacy Read more

The Royal Library at Bamberg
14/10/2024When the Holy Roman Emperor Henry II died 1000 years ago, on July 13, 1024, he left behind a rich legacy of books. Read more
Holy Roman Emperor Henry II and Cunigunde

Thietmar of Merseburg 975-1018
01/01/2025Thietmar of Merseburg was bishop of the diocese of Merseburg from 1009 to 1018. Famous for his Chronicle, he was one of the most important historians of the Ottonian period Read more

Heinrich II, German King and Holy Roman Emperor 1002 – 1024
02/12/2024Heinrich II (973 (978)-1024) – famous for his foundation of Bamberg – was the last Ottonian to rule Germany and the Holy Roman Empire. Read more

Kunigunde – Ottonian Queen 1002-1024
02/12/2024The 10th-century German queens set their mark on politics in different ways. The last queen, Kunigunde, primarily played the role of dynastic bridgebuilder. Read more

A Glimpse into the Daily Life at the Court of Kunigunde and Heinrich II in Bamberg
01/12/2024Bamberg will host an important exhibition in the autumn 2024 focusing on the daily life at the imperial court of Henry II and Cunigunde Read more
Medieval Landscapes

The Dark Ages: Nature’s Comeback in the Netherlands
09/10/2024In the period known as the Dark Ages (c. 300 – 700 AD), woodlands staged a remarkable comeback across Europe, including the Netherlands. Read more

Overwhelming Support for Rewilding and Release of Large Animals in the Oder Delta
03/02/2024Germans and Poles living in the Oder Delta strongly support rewilding and the introduction of large animals – including wolves and lynx, returning its landscape to its former medieval glory. Read more

The Vosges in the Early Middle Ages, ca. 400 – 750
31/01/2024In the Early Middle Ages, the Vosges were regarded as a wilderness – by elites, poets and priests. However, the ideas about how to live in and utilise this wilderness were contested. Read more

Rewilding is the Best Future for Europe’s Abandoned Farmland
23/08/2023What is best when considering Europe’s abandoned farmland? Should it be returned to more extensive – traditional and even Medieval – ways of sylvo-pastoral forms of cultivation? Or should it be rewilded with large grazers? Or left to its own devices? Read more
New Books about the Middle Ages

Medieval recordkeeping and financial management in the high and later Middle Ages was witnessed by numerous accounts. New book provides an introduction to this source material Read more

What was life like in Bamberg 1000 years ago?
01/12/2024What kind of daily life did Heinrich II and his beloved Queen Kunigunde experience at court? And how did this compare to the ordinary lives? In the city of Bamberg, in the countryside, and among their Slavic neighbours? Read more

The Observations of Gilles le Bouvier
01/11/2024Gilles le Bouvier (1386 -1455) was the senior herald to the French king, Charles VII. In his lifetime he wote a geographical treatise based on his travels. New English edition offers a fascinating view of Europe in the beginning of the 15th century Read more

The Royal Library at Bamberg
14/10/2024When the Holy Roman Emperor Henry II died 1000 years ago, on July 13, 1024, he left behind a rich legacy of books. Read more