Campus Galli in Deep Crisis

Three months after the foundation stone was laid for the construction of the medieval monastery, St. Gallen, the project is suffering from acute financial troubles.

Campus Galli – the project to build a medieval monastery on basis of the St. Gall Plan  – represents a life-long dream of Bertrand Guerten, a former journalist. His goal is to build with volunteers and using only tools and materials from the time of Charlemagne. The plan is build around 50 buildings over the next 40 years including a medieval cathedral meant to hold 2000 people.

First it looked as if financial backing for the first three years were secure. While Baden-Wuertemberg had provided €120.000, EU had coughed up with €330.000 and Messkirch a further € 383.000. To this should be added the income from visitors planned to generate €170.000 during the next two years.


However, the tourists have not arrived as planned. One reason was  foul weather last spring which resulted in a collapsed schedule. Originally planned to open in May, the date was postponed to the 22 of June. Further it appears that it is not just a project to be carried through by volunteers. Right now money is lacking to pay 27 employees – skilled craftsmen needed to get the project up and running.

Another challenge is presumably a squabble between the “owner” of the project, Bertrand Geurten, and former associates with a more scientific and archaeological background. According to them, too many corners are being “cut” and one of them, Andreas Storm, has simply left the project. Anyone interested can read about all this in the blog, Hiltibold

Another problem seems to be that the whole project has not so far  formally applied for the right to build.


Projekt in der Krise: Dunkle Wolken über der Klosterstadt

Campus Galli



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