One of the treasures from the Carolingian Age is the Plan of St. Gall - a design for an ideal monastery – from the 9th century.

One of the treasures from the Carolingian Age is the Plan of St. Gall - a design for an ideal monastery – from the 9th century.
Rumour has it this Book of Hours accompanied Richard III to the Battle of Bosworth. Later impaired by the mother of Henry VII, it has now been digitised.
Environmentalism covers the ancient idea that environments and climate influences our mentalities. New book offers an introduction
New book by Bruce M. S. Campbell on the Great Transition from 13th to the 16th century promises to be the new bible in environmental history
The newly published Old World Drought Atlas was recently used to gauge the seriousness of the Syrian Draught, the like of which has not been seen for 900 years.
Geoffrey de Charny was the first documented owner of the Shroud of Turin and an accomplished knight, who wrote a famous handbook of Chivalry.
Medievalists in Kalamazoo seem out of sync with a public more interested in ‘Early Medieval history” and ‘Beowulf’ than Chaucer and literature
Around AD 1000 the royal seat in Lejre had lost its political power to the Jelling Dynasty, which founded a new royal centre at of Roskilde.
Is the silver figurine from Lejre representing Odin? Freya? Or perhaps a völva, a Viking sorceress? Many interpretations have been put forward
Natural disasters in the Middle Ages were met with resilience in a number of different ways: migration, rebuilding, re-settlements.
Severe deterioration of living conditions in Scandinavia in the years’ AD 536 - 50 was caused by two volcanic explosions following each other
What impact did climate have on Medieval History? A new crop of studies help to explore the details of the linkage between migrations, wars and much more. Get the overview here
BOOK REVIEW: Sarah Kate Raphael explores the interplay between the climate in Medieval Levant and the politics of crusading and warring in the region
The medieval warm period (AD 725 - 1025) was characterised by little solar activity and few volcanic eruptions. This resulted in climate stability and economic and demographic growth
Historical Climatology is a website dedicated to share interdisciplinary research into historical climate studies with journalists, policymakers, scholars and the general public
Recent studies explore the connection between medieval climate changes and historical migrations in North Eastern Europe bordering the White See