Memento Mori: The Macabre Genres in Europe from the Middle Ages until today

Memento Mori: The Macabre Genres in Europe from the Middle Ages until today

The Association “Danses macabres d’Europe” organizes its next international conference in Turin (Italy), in collaboration with the Department of Humanities (StudiUm), University of Turin.

The Association was founded in France in 1986, and over the years teams of scholars from universities, collectors and artists from all over Europe have continued to meet in order to shed light on the diverse cultural and artistic history of this phenomena and its diverse genres: The meeting of the Living and the Dead, The Triumph of Death, Ars Moriendi, Scenes of The Last Judgment etc

Valle di Maira © Enrico Colle
Cappella di san Pietro, Valle di Maira
© Enrico Collo

Following the tradition of the previous conferences held in Ettiswyl (Switzerland), Clusone (Italy), Chartres (France), Kientzheim (France), Straubing (Germany), Clusone (Italy), Füssen (Germany), Lucerne (Switzerland), Kassel (Germany), Vendôme (France), Rouen (France), Gand (Belgium), Metnitz (Austria), Sibiu (Romania) and finally Chartres (France), the Turin conference will serve as an important meeting for fruitful discussion among various European scholars. It will also include excursions to locations in the Piedmont presenting the participants with the possibility of seeing the Castello della Manta and not least the Capella di san Pietro in the Valle de Maira, where part of the conference will take place. (Remember to bring your hiking boots!)

Participants (whether members of the DME or not) are invited to present papers in the fields of History, History of Art, Literature or Musicology, focusing on a Dance Macabre theme. There are no chronological limitations. In particular, the organisers will appreciate the presentation of unknown works, of recent findings or thematic studies.

Abbaye de La Chaise Dieu Dance Macabre
Abbaye de La Chaise Dieu
Dance Macabre

Papers along with their relevant photos will be published in the proceedings before the conference and will be offered to registered participants. Speakers are therefore required to send their papers before the

“Memento mori”: il genere macabro in Europa dal Medioevo a oggi
Memento Mori: The Macabre Genres in Europe from the Middle Ages until today
Turin, Italy at the Università degli Studi di Torino and in Valle de Maira
16.10.2014 – 18.10.2014

Deadline for CFP: 31.03.2014 

For more details please consult the preliminary programme



Dance macabres de’Europe

The featured photo is from the inside of the Chapel of St. Peter in the Valley of Maira



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