Very unusually a hiker recently tripped over a Viking sword from AD 750. According to the archaeologists the sword is in prime condition.
“This sword is usual for the Norwegian region of Hordaland, Rogland, Sogn and Fjordane”, tells Jostein Aksdal, the archaeologist responsible for the conservation.
It was found on an old route near Haukeli running next to the border of Telemark and was essentially just hidden beneath some rocks. Right now the weather forbids any further archaeological excavations, but there might be a grave nearby.
The Viking sword is 77cm long and with only one edge. According to the archaeologist it is very unusual. If polished and fitted with a new grip and pommel.
The Viking sword will be exhibited at Bergen Museum after conservation.
Sword and buckle from the Viking Age Found. Press Release: Hordaland Fylkeskommune